The Shura Council participated in a parliamentary meeting organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) entitled "Will hybrid working become “the new normal” for parliaments?" This is via visual communication technology.
The Council was represented at the event by H.E. Mr. Ahmed Bin Ebrahim Al-Malki, Member of the Shura Council.
During the meeting, participants reviewed the results and recommendations of the World e-Parliament Report 2022, and exchanged views on how hybrid work -- both remotely and in in person-- affected their work.
How hybrid working affects Parliament's legislative and oversight functions has been examined, to what extent this type of work makes parliaments more modern and takes into account gender-sensitive and family-friendly workplaces, and to ensure Parliament's resilience in future emergencies.
The organization of this event was the result of a change in parliamentary working methods imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, where parliaments adopted new techniques and telecommuting in the performance of their functions.
The meeting also sought to ascertain whether "hybrid working" had become the new normal for parliaments, why and how.