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Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union
The date of accession: January 1st, 1996.
Headquarters: Beirut (temporarily).
The Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States
The date of accession: June 17th, 1999.
Headquarters: Islamic Republic of Iran.
Committees membership:
Economic and Environmental Committee.
The Inter-Parliamentary Union
The date of accession: May 12th, 2006.
Headquarters: Switzerland - Geneva.
Committees membership:
Standing Committee on Peace and Security
Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights
United Nations Affairs Committee.
Arab Parliament
The date of accession: December 27th, 2005.
Headquarters: Arab Republic of Egypt - Cairo.
Committees membership:
Committee on Politics, Foreign Affairs and National Security.
Legislative, Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee.
Committee on Social, Educational, Cultural, Women and Youth Affairs.
Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs.
Palestine Committee.
Association of Secretaries General of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States
The date of accession: May 9th, 2002.
Headquarters: State of Kuwait.
The Association of Senates, Shura and Equivalent Councils in Africa and the Arab World
The date of accession: April 25th, 2005.
Headquarters: Formerly was in Yemen (Now in Ethiopia).
Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC)
The date of accession: December, 2019.
Headquarters: State of Qatar - Doha.
The UN Office of Parliamentary Participation in Preventing and Combating Terrorism
The date of accession: February, 2019.
Headquarters: State of Qatar - Doha.
Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA)
The date of accession: December 15th. 2019.
Headquarters: Islamic Republic of Iran.
Association of the Secretaries General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
The date of accession: May 12th, 2006
Headquarters: Switzerland - Geneva.
The Periodic Meeting of Their Excellencies the Heads Shura Councils, the Representatives and the National Councils of the GCC Members States
The date of accession: 2007.
Headquarters: The General Secretariat of the GCC - Riyadh
Meeting of Secretaries General of the Parliamentary Assemblies of the (GCC) States
The date of accession: 1997.
Headquarters: The General Secretariat of the GCC.
African Parliamentary Union (APU)
The date of accession: April 1st 2019..
Headquarters: Ivory Coast - Abidjan.
The parliamentary Group of the Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC)
The date of accession: April 1st 2019.
Headquarters: Panama
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean
The date of accession: January 23th, 2019.
Headquarters: Italian Republic - Naples
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Qatar - Arab Parliamentary Friendship Group
HE Mr Yousef Bin Ahmed Al-Kawari (Chairman)
HE Mrs Shaikha bint Yousuf Hassan Al-Jufairi (Deputy Chairman)
Ali bin Said Al-Khayareen (Member)
HE Mr Abd Ul-Rahman bin Yousuf Al-Khulaifi (Member)
HE Mr Ali bin Shabib Al-Attiya (Member)
HE Mr Nasser bin
Mohsin Bukshaisha
HE Mr Salem bin Rashid Al-Meraikhi (Member)
HE Mr Ali Bin Ahmad Al-kaabi (Member)
Qatar - Asian Parliamentary Friendship Group
HE Mr Ahmad bin Hitmi AL-Hitmi (Chairman)
Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Sada
(Deputy Chairman)
Saad bin Ahmed Mohammed Al-mohannadi
HE Mr Khalid bin ahmed Al-Obaidan (Member)
HE Mr Saoud bin Jassim Al-Buainain (Member)
HE Mr Nasser bin Metrif Al-hemeidi (Member)
HE Mr Essa bin Ahmad Al-Nassr (Member)
Qatar - Africa Parliamentary Friendship Group
HE Mr Saad bin ahmed Al-mesned (Chairman)
HE Mr Khalid bin abas kamal Al-Emadi (Deputy chairman)
HE Mr Khalid bin Ghanim al-Maadheed (Member)
HE Mr Mohamed bin yousef Almana (Member)
HE Mr Nasser bin salmine Al-Suwaidi (Member)
HE Mr Mohammed bin Mahdi Al-Ahbabi (Member)
HE Mr Mohamed bin Muftah Al-Muftah (Member)
Qatar - Europe Parliamentary Friendship Group
HE Mr Mohd bin Fahad Al-Mesallam (Chairman)
HE Dr Mohamed bin Batti Al-Abdulla (Deputy Chairman)
HE Dr. Ali bin Fetais Almarri (Member)
HE Mr Badi bin ali Al-Badi (Member)
HE Mr Ahmed bin Sultan Al-Aseeri (Member)
HE Mr Nasser bin Mohd Al-Naimi (Member)
HE Mr Abdullah bin Nasser Al-Subaie (Member)
Qatar - Ameria, Canada, Australia and Newzeland Parliamentary Friendship Group
HE Dr. Ahmed bin Hamad Almohanadi (Chairman)
HE Mr Ahmad bin Ebrahim Al-Malki (Deputy Chairman)
HE Mr Essa bin Arar Al-Romaihi (Member)
HE Mr Abdulla bin Jaber Al-Lebdah (Member)
HE Mr Yousef bin Ali Al-khater (Member)
HE Mr Amair bin Abdulla Alnaemi (Member)
HE Mr Mohammed bin Omar Al-Mannai (Member)
Qatar - Latin America and Caribbean Parliamentary Friendship Group
HE Dr. Abdulla bin Ali Al-Sulaiti (Chairman)
HE Mr Nasser bin Hassan Al-Kubaisi (Deputy chairman)
Sultan bin Hassan Aldosari
HE Mr. Mubarak Bin Saif Al-Mansouri (Member)
HE Mr. Mohamed Bin Mansour Al-Shahwani (Member)
HE Mr Mubarak bin Mohamed Al-kuwari (Member)
HE Mr Hamad bin Abdulla Al-mulla (Member)