Oversight Work

Oversight task
The permanent constitution of the State of Qatar has entrusted the Shura Council with the power to practice oversighting over the executive power, in accordance with its Article (76). The oversight shall be over ministries and subsidiary agencies and shall not be on the special bodies and agencies formed by His Highness the Emir to assist him with opinion and advice on his practicing of the state’s higher policies in certain areas.

Each member of the Shura Council may direct questions to the Prime Minister and to any one of the ministers to clarify matters within their jurisdiction, and the questioner alone has the right to comment once on the answer.

Every member of the Shura Council may interrogate the ministers in matters within their jurisdiction, and the interrogation may only be raised with the approval of one-third of the members of the Council. The interrogation shall not be discussed until the lapse of at least ten days after it has been raised, except in the case of urgency, if the minister agrees to shorten the period.