The 205th Governing Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) began in Belgrade Monday. The meetings of 205th IPU Governing Council will be held on October 14 and 17.
HE Speaker of the Shura Council Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Zaid Al Mahmoud participated in the opening session which discussed a number of issues, including proposals for the election of the President of the 141st Assembly, approval of the summary minutes of the 204th Session of the Governing Council and the financial situation of the IPU.
It also discussed the draft unified budget for 2020 and the report of the President on her activities since the 204th session of the Governing Council and the activities of the executive committee, in addition to the local report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the IPU since the 204th session of the Governing Council and the discussion of a number of other topics.
Several members of the Shura Council attended the event.