The "Financial and Economic" Committee in Shura Council discusses a number of topics in the presence of representatives of the competent authorities

02 June 2024

The Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the Shura Council held a meeting today, under the chairmanship of H.E. Mr. Mohamed bin Yusuf Al-Mana, Chairman of the Committee.

During the meeting, the Committee continued its discussion of a draft law on job resettlement in the private sector and a bill amending certain provisions of the Tenders and Auctions Regulation Act promulgated by Act No. 24 of 2015.

The Committee also examined the theme "Supporting national and foreign investment", which was submitted by a number of H.E. Council members as a request for general discussion.

During the meeting, the Committee hosted Mr. Abdulaziz Mubarak Al-Bouainen, Director of the Legislative Department of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and Mr. Ali Mohamed El Yafei, Director of the Legal Affairs Department of the Ministry of Labour, Mr. Nayef Maeid al-Hababi, Director of the Government Procurement Regulation Department at the Ministry of Finance,and Mr. Issa Khalifa Al-Kubaisi, Adviser to the Ministry of Finance, and Ms. Fatima Abdullah Al-Bouainin, Legal Expert at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers responding to the Committee's questions on the subjects mentioned, At the end of its meeting, the Committee decided to complete its study of those topics at its next meetings.